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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

Mass CATTLE deaths send shockwaves through food supply as speculation rises:

• by Mike Adams

Following over 100 fires that appear to be acts of sabotage against food facilities across the United States, speculation is now running rampant about thousands of cattle that appear to have died suddenly in Kansas over the weekend. According to the corporate media which also claims all covid vaccines are "safe and effective," these sudden mass deaths are the result of heat. Yet cows are incredibly resilient and frequently endure the same temperatures that the Midwest is experiencing right now. Why are thousands of cattle apparently dying so suddenly?, like the rest of the conventional media, says the deaths were caused by a combination of heat, humidity and lack of wind. CNBC is also reporting that the The Kansas Department of Health and Environment agrees with this assessment.

Yet I am personally near hundreds of head of cattle in central Texas where temperatures are the same (and the days are even longer this time of year due to the more southern latitude). I see Longhorn cattle, Angus, Blanco and other breeds abound in Central Texas, yet I don't see thousands of cattle dropping dead anywhere.

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