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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

A Weird Society

•, by Jacob G. Hornberger

 What better proof of the failure of the welfare-warfare state way of life than that?

Just look around. Thirty trillion dollars in federal debt, and climbing. Prices of gasoline, food, and other things soaring, increasing the economic misery of those at the bottom of the economic ladder. Federal spending out of control. The Federal Reserve, scared to death of causing the stock market to crash, scratches its collective noodle on what to do about the debasement of the currency that it has wrought, decade after decade.

America's warfare-state killing machine continues apace, this time using its Cold War dinosaur NATO to bring about the Russia-Ukraine War, which has brought massive death and destruction to both Ukrainians and Russians. The massive loss of life among Russian troops is celebrated by statists as another glorious achievement with the aim of "degrading Russia." Meanwhile, every statist ignores the obvious point that if it had been the Pentagon, rather than Russia, that invaded Ukraine, statists would be tripping over themselves praising the troops and thinking them for their service, as they did in the deadly and destructive longterm invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What about the much-vaunted war on poverty? That socialist program obviously went nowhere. In fact, the welfare state has done more to ensure the continuation and worsening of of poverty, especially with its out-of-control federal spending, its massive confiscatory taxation, and its plunder through inflationary debasement of the currency. 

Let's not forget the hopeless dependency on socialism that the welfare state has produced in the American people, especially with the two crown jewels of the welfare state — Social Security and Medicare. Ever statist lives in abject fear that without these two socialist narcotics, there would be people dying in the streets. 
