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IPFS News Link • Israel

Israeli troops sent to Ukraine and the Russians are irate.


BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | May 19, 2022: Israeli troops sent to Ukraine and the Russians are irate. The news is reporting that Israeli military units were sent to the territory of Ukraine and take an active part in the hostilities on the side of Ukraine, against Russia. The exact number of Israeli soldiers involved in fighting in Ukraine has not been disclosed, but according to Israel Radar, the deployment includes former officers and soldiers of Israeli special forces. "Israeli special forces veterans are training Ukrainian elite units. The source said that the Israelis are also taking an active part in the hostilities against members of the NWO. Earlier it was reported that the Israelis trained Ukrainian soldiers at a secret facility in western Ukraine. However, the latest information offers new details about the advanced combat training that IDF veterans are conducting. It is noteworthy that over time, more information is emerging about the role of Israel in supporting Ukraine against Russia", and further adding that "The number of Israelis taking part in the fighting in Ukraine today is in the hundreds. Remarkably, the Israeli government made no effort to stop this growing influx. The Israeli military presence in Ukraine includes a special task force of IDF veterans", the "Israel Radar" said.