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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

"A Recession Is Necessary" To Lower Demand As 'Real Economy' Routed By Soaring Fue

• Zero Hedge

Authored by Javier Blas, op-ed via,

Sorry, But for You, Oil Trades at $250 a Barrel

The culprit is the refinery margin and the consequences are huge for global inflation...

If you are the owner of an oil refinery, then crude is trading happily just a little above $110 a barrel - expensive, but not extortionate. If you aren't an oil baron, I have bad news: it's as if oil is trading somewhere between $150 and $275 a barrel.

The oil market is projecting a false sense of stability when it comes to energy inflation. Instead, the real economy is suffering a much stronger price shock than it appears, because fuel prices are rising much faster than crude, and that matters for monetary policy.
