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IPFS News Link • Economy - Recession-Depression

The Great Crash Of 2022... What Happens Next?

•, by Bill Blain

Yesterday's market meltdown was heralded as a "capitulation trade", but who knows? What we do know is there an awful lot to worry about, and the conditions for the BIG ONE have been building for decades. Time to re-read The Great Crash, 1929.

There is nothing like a 6.30 am swim against the tide on cold, grey morning in muddy near-freezing water to remind you of why we spend so much money on mattresses and warm snuggly duvets. Of course, a swim should have been a wonderful moment to contemplate what the papers are calling the "Capitulation Trade" – as stocks posted their worst day in a couple of years and bonds tumbled…. But… Keeping up my momentum against the building down-tide was my primary concern.

Does that mean I missed the opportunity to liquidate my entire account before the end of everything – which might be later this afternoon? Oh dear…

On Wednesday, the market welcomed Jay Powell's 50 bp hike with a relief rally. Yesterday it puked and reversed all its recent gains. What changed? Who knows, but was yesterday really the beginning of the big and negative something we've all been waiting for?

Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? Who can tell? If I knew I wouldn't be swimming in dirty cold rivers to stay fit, nor would I be writing about it each morning!

The thing is there are market crashes, and there are market crashes. And there are Market Crashes… Confused? You will be, but let me try to explain…

Let's start this morning by taking the lotus position and reciting Blain's Mantra No 1, 10 times: "The market has but one objective, to inflict the maximum amount of hurt on the maximum number of participants." Om..