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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Hospital Refuses to Give 9-Year-Old Boy Kidney Transplant Because Father is Unvaccinated

•, Summit News

The father, Dane Donaldson, works in the insurance business and refused to get vaccinated for religious reasons and because he has seen a large number of clients becoming critically ill after receiving it. Mr. Donaldson promised to sign a waiver protecting the hospital from liability should he or his son get COVID, but the clinic still refuses to perform the operation. Numerous hospitals across America are following the same 'no jab, no transplant' policy as the Cleveland Clinic.
A hospital in Cleveland is refusing to a provide a 9-year-old boy a life-saving kidney transplant because his father hasn't taken the COVID-19 vaccine.

Yes, really.

Dane Donaldson was found to be a perfect donor match for his son Tanner back in 2018 before the pandemic began.

Knowing that transplanted kidneys from live donors only last for about 20 years, the family decided to delay the procedure.

Now the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital is refusing to perform the operation because the father is unjabbed.

"Individuals who are actively infected with COVID-19 have a much higher rate of complications during and after surgery, even if the infection is asymptomatic," the hospital said in a statement.

Donaldson works in the insurance business and refused to get vaccinated for religious reasons and because he has seen a large number of clients becoming critically ill after receiving it.

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Comment by Anonymous
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Have Libertarians forgotten the personal responsibility half of our ideology of individual liberty and personal responsibility? That is the doctors' right to refuse to do so. Your personal liberty ends when it effects someone else. You can chose not to get vaccinated, but that liberty doesn’t remove you from the consequences of that choice. We should expect to have fewer choices available to you by choosing to be unvaccinated.