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IPFS News Link • Building and Construction Materials

Lego style hemp blocks, the building material of the future?

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What building materials does your house consist of? Surely there is concrete and steel, and in more rare cases, bricks and aerated concrete. But these materials are not the most efficient - they have low noise reduction, they easily remove heat from the room, and they are subject to corrosion and putrefaction. Therefore, new building materials are being actively developed in Europe, and one of them has already gained great popularity - it is known as hempcrete. It is made from hemp and is eco-friendly. But can these hemp blocks replace modern building materials? Concrete as a building material has been known since ancient Rome, as a core material for the construction of public buildings. By the way, the Roman Pantheon is the largest building in the world with a dome made of non-reinforced concrete. Over the centuries, concrete was rarely recalled - they preferred to build structures from stone. And only from the 18th century, did it return to the construction industry. In the 20th century, a revolution took place; an original idea was proposed to improve the characteristics of concrete. It was proposed to place iron reinforcement when pouring inside the structures. So the first high-rise buildings began to appear, and then modern skyscrapers.

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