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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Pro-Vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough Attacks Health Impact News with False Claims

•, by Brian Shilhavy

Peter McCullough was recently interviewed by "Red Voice Media" and attacked Health Impact News, claiming that we have been "fact checked" by someone named "Dan O'Connor" at TrialSiteNews and that we were found to be "100% fallacious" and that we don't cite our claims, and that we make "false claims."

Let me just say that fact checkers, Health Impact News and the fact checkers – they've been fact checked themselves.

So, Dan O'Connor at TrialSiteNews fact checked the fact checkers. And he found them to a one to be 100% fallacious.

They don't cite their claims. They're making false claims. And then within a few clicks, every single one of them traces back to one of the vaccine stakeholders.

Healthfeedback, Health Impact News, they all trace back to… Dan O'Connor at TrialSiteNews has really exposed that.

In making this accusation against us in public, Peter McCullough has himself made a "false claim" and slandered Health Impact News in the process.

We have published several articles about Peter McCullough, including highlighting the very fine work he has done in promoting early treatments for COVID-19, and exposing the COVID fraud. See:

CENSORED: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies How Successful Home Treatments for COVID Make Experimental Vaccines Unnecessary

Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of "Vaccines"