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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Reiner Fuellmich's Opening Statements @ Grand Jury Covid-Crimes Against Humanity

• Bitchute - Son Of Enos


SEE ALSO: "A grand jury trial begins into crimes against humanity" involving a fabricated coronavirus pandemic.

Viral video is a simulation, does not depict a real grand jury proceeding

If Your Time is short

The video is a simulation that does not depict actual legal proceedings.

The notion that the coronavirus pandemic is fabricated is part of an effort to deny or downplay the virus and is unsubstantiated. 


Reiner Fuellmich, a German attorney who is no stranger to COVID-19 misinformation, appears in a new video that gives the false impression it's a legal proceeding related to the pandemic.

The headline on the Feb. 6 video says, "A grand jury trial begins into crimes against humanity." In the footage, Fuellmich calls the COVID-19 pandemic a fabricated "plandemic." The video was published on Bitchute, a video platform likened to a right-wing alternative to YouTube and known for hosting hate speech and conspiracy theories.


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Comment by Andy Lamdin
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I've been mulling over how the legacy media and naysayers would spin their narative(s). Politifact: Do as we say, not as we do. In their list of sources they don't give the link to the full video. Nor do they give a link to the Grand Jury website. Both those make clear that there wasn't a legitimate government court that would take the case. Thus is why they are presenting the facts to the court of public opinion. Media Release Grand Jury Proceeding 02-05-2022.pdf: Read it!

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