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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Sports

Nolte: Record Low Ratings for NBC's Opening Coverage of Genocide Games


 "The previous low was 8.5 million for the final night of competition at last year's Tokyo Summer Olympics."

That's a 55 percent drop from four years ago when 16 million tuned into the opening night coverage of the 2018 Winter Games in South Korea.

That's also down a whopping 64 percent from the 2014 Summer Games.

These numbers are beyond a catastrophe, especially after NBC's Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo last year also earned record low ratings. Those Olympics were widely ridiculed as the Woke Olympics. America tuned that fiasco out because of all the obnoxious left-wing politicking, virtue signaling, and propaganda — most of it performed by smug athletes who failed to win any medals.

At the time, the corporate media tried to gaslight the public into believing the off-putting woketardery had nothing to do with the ratings crash. Instead, they spread a bunch of wild-eyed misinformation, blaming the lack of interest on the China Flu delaying the games for a year — which is laughable. The one-year delay should've increased anticipation. What's more, during the summer of 2021, millions of Americans were still hiding out at home from the pandemic.

Gee, I wonder what the corporate media's excuse will be for NBC's record low Genocide Games' ratings?