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IPFS News Link • Corbett Report

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!


For those who don't know, here's the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to party! Cut to a montage of the Ewoks dancing around Darth Vader's funeral pyre and joyous festivities being held across the galaxy.

. . . But we viewers know that this isn't really the end of the story. The battle has been won, but the war between good and evil has not been decided forever. It would be far too naïve of us to believe that.

Indeed, it's hard not to be reminded of that Darth Vader funeral party when looking at the recent signs that the scamdemic narrative is falling apart:

England is dropping its mask requirements and "health pass" mandates;

Biden's big biz vaxx mandate has been shot down by the Supremes and withdrawn by OSHA;

The largest convoy in history is taking place in protest of the Canadian mandates;

A major Danish newspaper is apologizing for its uncritical COVID coverage;

etc., etc.

If you're looking for it, the good news is everywhere right now. So, time for the Ewok dance party, right?

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