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A 2022 Mason Jar Shortage Could Be on the Way

•, Jeff Thompson

People want to know how to grow and preserve their own food as they've seen the empty store shelves. They witnessed the barriers that have kept people from being able to shop at their local grocery store, and they have the reasonable fear that the same could come again in the near future as well. It is because of this past history that the astute prepper needs to consider the possibility of a mason jar shortage in 2022.

Is a mason jar shortage a strange concept? 

By no means. We've seen it already before. In 2020, interest in food production absolutely went through the roof. Roughly 51% of Canadians actually reported growing at least one fruit or vegetable that year. Gardening went mainstream as people realized just how fickle the supply chain truly was. Just-in-time shelf stocking and being refused access to stores became a reality, and the public responded.

And what was one of the ways that they responded? By preserving their own food.

Canning supplies throughout 2020 became incredibly scarce. Dawn Woodward is a Canadian baker who also sells canned goods. Pre-2020, Dawn would sell around 200 jars of jam per year. During 2020 she sold approximately 1000.

But she had problems getting canning products.

After attempting to order 12 cases of jars, she was told, "We're out until the new year. We have a similar product, but you have to order over 4000 pieces because it's a special order."
