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IPFS News Link • Activism

Historic Peaceful Rally To Defeat Mandates And Medical Tyranny

• By Ginny Garner

Speakers included Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree, Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and Steve Kirsch.

Fear of being labelled a terrorist, fear of violence and the cold weather undoubtedly kept many people away. RFK Jr. said any violence would be initiated by the government. The feds were reportedly hunting for extremists but the event was peaceful. Rally organizers informed their supporters they'd been told by the DC Mayor that only two porta pottys and two food trucks would be provided, which would certainly keep a lot of people away. Instead there was a long row of porta pottys and many food trucks were lined up in front of the Washington Monument. Aside from five police on horses and two snipers on top of the Lincoln Memorial and helicopters circling above the crowd, security on the ground was low key.

Red haired libertarian comedian PJ Sears hosted the event. The lineup of participating doctors in back of the podium in their white lab coats was a powerful sight. They represented 17,000 doctors, and one speaker noted they outnumbered the CDC and NIH. OAN and NTD News were on the scene reporting. There was a minute of silence to remember those killed or injured by the shots. Kevin Jenkins cited the crucifixion of Christ and said the shot mandates are the tyranny of our time.

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