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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

What Makes a Modern Neo-Malthusian Tick?

•, Canadian Patriot Press

This neo Malthusianism exists today as a sort of governing religion for a scientific dictatorship masquerading behind the World Economic Forum's Great Reset doctrine.

The questions addressed in this conversation include:
1) What is the Green New Deal? In your opinion, is there a secret part of it, hidden from the general public?
2) Why do you use the term "neo-Malthusians"? Who are these people?
3) [following from the previous] Said like this, it sounds a bit like the Specter of depopulation ....
4) The model proposed by Malthus is very simple and linear: wouldn't it be appropriate to finally use a more sophisticated model to describe the trend of a population?
5) How does scientific research on quantum computers and artificial intelligence fit into a neo-Malthusian paradigm?
6) Hot and cold nuclear fusion: two parallel sabotages?
7) Is it possible to abandon fossil fuels without incurring the deliberate murder of a part of the human race?
8) What do you think of Covid?
9) Russia, China and other nations do not seem to be following a depopulation script ... Are Western elites simply committing suicide?