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IPFS News Link • Racism

New York is Using Race To Determine Access to a Limited Supply of Life-Saving Covid Treatments

• By Glenn Greenwald

"Monoclonal Antibody Treatments Save Lives," announced the New York City Department of Health in an October 26 public notice. These treatments "are available and lifesaving," the agency said, noting that they "have averted at least 1,100 hospitalizations and at least 500 deaths among people treated in New York City." The agency urged the public to seek out these monoclonal antibody treatments as soon as possible: "When given early after symptom onset, mAb treatments can decrease the risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19, which is why it is crucial to get tested for COVID-19 as soon as symptoms begin – the sooner someone is tested, the sooner treatment can begin."

The city's health agency quoted its own Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi: "the science shows that monoclonal antibody treatments work and can make all the difference when it comes to the severity of COVID-19 illness." It thus urged that "treatment should be given as soon as possible after someone tests positive for COVID-19." Studies from Pfizer, cited by the agency, independently demonstrated just how effective the company's antiviral treatment, called Paxlovid, can be: it "decreased Covid-19-linked hospitalisation or mortality risk from any cause by 88%."

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