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IPFS News Link • Big Pharma

Trump's vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central..

•, by Mike Adams

Trump did that, of course, by skipping all the necessary clinical trials, producing a deadly covid jab that has now killed an estimated 800,000 Americans (and counting).

Trump completely ignores this mass death across America and scorns his own audience, telling them, "Don't mock the vaccinated." He seems utterly tone deaf to the reality that it is the unvaccinated who are being condemned, mocked, fired from their jobs, kicked out of restaurants and arrested in places like New York.

Trump now appears to be completely isolated from real America, showing zero understanding of the kind of totalitarian nightmare unvaccinated Americans are currently living through. Trump is completely out of touch with his own support base and the struggles they are facing due, in large part, to Trump selling them out to Big Pharma and the Federal Reserve.

Trump further condemns his own supporters, telling them that if they doubt the vaccine, "You're playing right into their hands." Whose hands? The hands of the pharma cartel that Trump enriched with Operation Warp Speed?

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