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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Secret services

• By: Brenda Suderman

Christian worshippers are secretly holding church services in farm sheds and machine shops in southern Manitoba communities as a way to evade COVID-19 public health orders.

Held on private properties, the Sunday services, attended by dozens, and up to hundreds, have been organized to circumvent current public health rules, which require mask use and limit the size of religious gatherings if attendees are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Communities in the Southern Health region have some of the lowest vaccination rates in Manitoba, including Winkler and the RM of Stanley, where the services are reportedly being held.

"We have an idea (of where the shed churches are). We know of two for sure, maybe four," said Jake Krahn, minister of Christian Faith Church, a Mennonite congregation located east of Winkler in the RM of Stanley.

"I've heard people say there are more than two."

The Free Press has identified two locations, both in the RM of Stanley, that several sources say regularly hold worship services in farm shops without all participants wearing masks or gathering in small cohorts.

Neither of the property owners would confirm that their space is used for church services.

"If I do confirm it, then you confirm it in the paper," said one in a brief telephone call.

The other property owner would not say if he is affiliated with the shed churches, also referred by some as private, independent churches, and said any news coverage would not help the fractured culture in southern Manitoba.

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