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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

MIT Scientist and Professor on Exposing COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: "You Have to be...

•, by Brian Shilhavy

I have been criticized and censored by many even in the alternative media for using such strong language, often being accused of using "sensationalism."

But when the truth and the facts are so obvious as they are today, sensationalism is not needed. Just the courage to tell the truth, and expose the criminals, is all that is needed to warn the public.

And the truth is that more and more frontline doctors who work with vaccine injured patients, as well as very prestigious medical scientists and researchers, have tried to blow the whistle on those being killed and injured by these vaccines by informing the leaders at the FDA, CDC,  NIH, etc., and not only are their voices being ignored, there is a concerted effort to silence them.

These professionals are risking not only their careers and livelihoods, but possibly their very lives for exposing the truth on just how much harm these experimental gene altering shots are causing.

The drug companies and the federal regulatory bodies know full well what is going on, which makes them complicit with these crimes against humanity and mass murder.