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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER


The dangers of the dangerous and deadly shots being called "vaccines" is being documented by honest programs like this one, but intentionally hidden and suppressed by the lying fake politicians, the installed fake regime and tyrannical sociopathic so-called "world leaders" and the complicit bought-and-paid-for propagandists known as the "media".  And that's leading a lot of unsuspecting people to the jab. The rest of us are being told we're going to take it or be fired, lose access to essential goods, or maybe even prosecuted and locked up. For the time being, there are many that have some relief. The majority of that group is being told they can pause their adverse events and death if they'll submit to a nasal swab that tickles their brain every five minutes, so we thought we should look into what's on these swabs and it turns out that some scientists have documented what Dr. Jane Ruby thinks you should hear about immediately, and she joined the show to discuss.