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Nancy Pelosi Repeatedly Seen Maskless After Ordering Masks Again in the Capitol


On the first day of the new mask mandate, where the members, staff, and visitors were being required to wear a "well-fitted" super mask, Pelosi (seen in the video above) was in the House chamber, speaking at the speaker's podium without a mask, and wiping her nose with a what looks like a Kleenex while also touching the area around her, as she is giving orders for others to wear the mask.

Pelosi, on July 29, just a day after she imposed the mask mandate and the same day the U.S. Capitol Police were told to arrest mask defiers, was seen during a Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth hearing, again maskless. The mask she had was around her neck, and she was coughing.

Pelosi, on July 30, just a few days later, was seen during a press conference, not wearing a mask, talking to others, touching the podium and her nose, while everyone after the speaker is following the directions she imposed. She introduced House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and stepped to the side during the conference, still with no mask on.

On the same day, just hours apart, she was caught removing her mask to take a picture with Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX) and his family members after his swearing-in. Ellzey won a special election earlier in the week to represent Texas's Sixth Congressional District. 

Additionally, later on in the same day, Pelosi was seen in another video published by the Republican National Committee's (RNC) War Room and was the only one not wearing a mask while inside the Capitol: