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IPFS News Link • Drugs and Medications

Study shows remdesivir as primary COVID treatment is a total bust

• by daniel horowitz

Now, a new study from the University of Iowa shows what we knew all along – that remdesivir failed to reduce mortality one iota. Why are we to believe the same government entities about embracing the clot shots and shunning so many other cheaper and effective treatments after spending billions and losing countless lives on a failed drug?

After 62 studies, 32 of them randomized controlled trials, establishing ivermectin as an effective treatment and an even more effective preventative to keep people out of the hospital in the first place, our government refuses to endorse its use and Big Tech continues to censor it. They claim they need more studies. Yet not a single randomized controlled trial showed remdesivir to be effective before they dove in headfirst and the NIH made it the only approved antiviral treatment for COVID. Now, a University of Iowa study published in JAMA Network Open on Thursday has shown that remdesivir was a complete bust.

Among the 2,334 US veterans studied in 124 hospitals, a higher share of remdesivir patients (12.2 percent) who took part in the study died than patients in the control group (10.6 percent). Moreover, on average, remdesivir patients spent six days in the hospital, while control group patients spent only three.