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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Jagged Little Pill: How Many Lives Could Have Been Saved If We'd ACTUALLY "Followed the Sci

• Organic Prepper - Dagny Taggart and Josh Taylor

"We have lost our minds. We have said goodbye to any semblance of rationality or assessment of data and said hello to illogical alarmism. A virus we should have been diligent and cautious about has turned into a virus we should fear, give up our liberty for, and fundamentally alter our lives to avoid." – Alyssa Algren

We are living in interesting and troubling times.

Believe Science. Unless They Tell You Not to.

The people pushing Covid-19 vaccines on everyone tell us to "trust the science" and "believe science." But if you dare to mention the recently published peer-reviewed paper on Ivermectin: Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, you'll likely be met with scorn and ridicule.

After sharing the link on my Facebook page people commented things like "Ew, quackery" and various anti-Ivermectin/pro-vaccination comments. It is important to note that the people criticizing the study didn't read it because, hey, why bother? Everyone has an (uninformed) opinion these days, and they aren't afraid to show it.

In the article Do You Believe Science? former scientist John McLaughlin aptly states:

Believe science has become a comforting social media slogan amid the past year's chaos, but this platitude has an undertone that runs contrary to the true spirit of scientific inquiry. All too often believe science means obey authority and is used as a way to shut down debate. Science is assumed to reign supreme.

Question. Every. Thing.

Science is asking questions, observing, experimenting, hypothesizing, and testing. Science is continuous learning and acquiring new knowledge. It is never "finished" or "settled." Science gathers data and evaluates it to form and refine theories. What is believed to be "truth" today does not guarantee contradictory evidence will present tomorrow.

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