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6 Things to expect when you start a small-scale homestead

• Natural News - Zoey Sky

(Natural News) Some preppers envision a homestead in a quiet location as their endgame. If you have the same goals, don't let having a small patch of land stop you.

If you wish to start small-scale homestead farming, you must be ready to work hard before you can see good results. Experienced homesteaders know that you don't need to own a large piece of property to reap all the benefits of this self-sufficient lifestyle. You just need to be creative and resourceful to achieve your goals with a smaller homestead. (h/t to

Before you buy land, ask experienced preppers and homesteaders for advice, such as crops that grow well in your chosen location and what tools you might need to keep to maintain your property.

You should also read up on different aspects of homesteading like gardening and animal husbandry so you're equipped with skills that will help make up for the land that you lack. Borrow books from the library or read articles online to learn more.

Here are some skills that will help you run and maintain your homestead:

Animal butchering and processing

Animal husbandry


Basic repair and maintenance


Collecting, filtering, purifying and storing water


First aid


Food preservation and storage




Money management

Predator control



Now that you have an idea of what skills you might need to run a small-scale homestead, here are six things you should expect once you get started.