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IPFS News Link • Cyberspace and the New Economy

Is Cyber Warfare the Battleground of the Future?

• Organic Prepper - Robert Wheeler

A sophisticated attack on Microsoft's ubiquitous email software is being laid at the Chinese's feet. Many people ask whether the attack was a Chinese hack, a false flag, or something else. However, whatever it was, it is clear that the attack is now verging on the edge of a global crisis.

If you think a cyberattack is minor and wouldn't affect you, check out this article on the Petya ransomware attack or this one on a Florida water supply. It's actually shocking just how easily a massive cyberattack could happen to us, so you may want take some steps to be prepared for the possibility of a cyberattack.

Now let's talk about how bad this Solar Winds attack almost was. It may make you wonder whether cyber warfare is the battleground of the future.

Microsoft says the attack has claimed at least 60,000 victims-many of them small businesses

This attack, which focused on email software, has become a global cybersecurity emergency, as hackers are racing to infect as many people as possible before companies can secure their computer systems.
