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IPFS News Link • Manufacturing-U.S.A

Manufacturing Surveys Signal Stagflationary Threat Amid Record Supply Chain Delays

• Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

After dipping in January (and in flash Feb data), US Manufacturing survey data was expected to 'stabilize' in February (despite a resurgence in Services) tracking the relative stabilization (albeit at low levels) of the broad macro picture.

Markit US Manufacturing PMI fell to 58.6 from 59.2 (this was above the 58.5 flash print)

Markit US Services PMI rose to 58.9 from 58.3 (highest since 2014)

ISM Manufacturing rose to 60.8 from 58.7 (highest since 2004)

ISM Services rose from 57.7 to 58.7 (highest since Feb 2019)

So take your pick?