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IPFS News Link • Inspiration

Hikers Brave Miles of Icy Mountain Trails After Rescuing Dog That Was Stranded For 2 Weeks

• GoodNewsNetwork- Judy Cole

Neesha, an 8-year-old Golden Retriever, is one lucky dog. After spending a fortnight on her own without food or real shelter, the plucky pooch was serendipitously spotted by a couple, who in spite of the wintry weather, was hiking the range and happened upon her.

Two weeks earlier, Neesha's owners had taken her and their other dog, a German Shepherd named Harley, for some outdoor exercise. Startled by a deer, both dogs took off. Harley found his way back to the parking lot the next day, but Neesha did not.

The family made a thorough search. They left a laundry basket of unwashed clothing near the spot they'd last seen Neesha on the chance she'd home in on the familiar scent marker.

They even resorted to drones and took to the Internet to ask for help in finding Neesha—but there was still no sign of her.
