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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Reddit Users Going After Silver for 'Biggest Short Squeeze in the World'


Posts encouraged individuals to use the IShares Silver Trust, the largest silver exchange-traded fund, and carry out what one user called the "BIGGEST SHORT SQUEEZE IN THE WORLD."

"Silver Bullion Market is one of the most manipulated on earth. Any short squeeze in silver paper shorts would be EPIC," a user on Reddit's WallStreetBets wrote. "We know billion banks are manipulating gold and silver to cover real inflation. Both the industrial case and monetary case, debt printing has never been more favorable for the No. 1 inflation hedge Silver."

It came after purchases of hot stocks like GameStop, KOSS, and AMC were restricted by various platforms, sparking calls by members of Congress for an investigation into whether there was collusion by hedge funds and platforms like Robinhood. Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev described that assertion in media interviews this week as a "conspiracy theory."