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Watch Fishermen Risk Walking on Frozen Lake to Rescue Exhausted Baby Deer


Bransen Jackson and his friend saw the fawn trying and failing to stand on the slippery surface of Utah's Panguitch Lake.

Jackson said to his pal, "Dude, that's a deer!' We gotta go save it of course."

The pair told 2KUTV News that they began carefully making their way over the thin ice. At one point, Jackson's friend's boot went through a crack. That was a shock to the nerves, but they decided they couldn't just let the young mule deer sit there.

When they finally reached the fawn, Jackson told 2KUTV, "I picked it up and it was super calm, super docile, like it kind of understood OK these guys are going to try and help me."

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Then the ice began to come apart under the weight of the trio. They hurried for the shore, the deer in Jackson's arms. While the little fawn had trouble standing and walking on the rocky ground initially, what happened next is beautiful.