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IPFS News Link • Election Cycle 2020 - POTUS

Paths to Victory -- Contingent election or State Legislators picking Electors

• By Mark Landsbaum

Cases usually need months or years to do full discovery and disclosure.

Trump's End Game

By Mark Landsbaum, American Thinker

The only hope now — and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended — lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can't win at this stage. But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump's over Biden's, it's a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.

The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague. Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes. This is never-before-traveled terrain.

The resulting deadlock would make Congress unable to announce a winner.

Then the matter will go, per the Constitution, exclusively to the House of Representatives, where each state will get only one vote and where Republican states outnumber Democratic states. Voila! Trump is reelected.

This is where the multiple lawsuits and their voluminous affidavits and experts' declarations pay off.

The performances in courts gave them a chance to get evidence and accusations put forward in a legally protected manner.

The alternate pro-Trump electors in seven swing states are the fruit of all the lawsuits. The lawsuits allowed all the charges of fraud to be aired and the public – and elected officials — to learn just how badly Democrats behaved.

Anything filed in court is privileged, which protects the plaintiffs. Without lawsuits, accusing anyone of fraud would have been very risky, and probably gotten Trump's people sued for libel. What his campaign would be shy to say outside of court became protected speech when said in lawsuits.
