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Even If Biden Wins, President Trump's Agenda Will Endure As Obama-Era Gridlock Returns To Washin

• Zero Hedge

Meanwhile, Republican lawyers have opened up legal fights to stop counting in at least two states.

As of Thursday morning, the former VP held 253 votes, while President Trump was stuck at 214. The oustanding states can be seen in the map below: 

Speaking on CNBC Thursday morning, pollster Frank Luntz said he believes the election could be called by noon on Thursday, but he said credibility is already starting to concern him, as Republicans worry about voter fraud, and Dems accuse the GOP of voter suppression. According to Luntz, winning PA won't be enough for Trump. He needs to take Nevada. "That's where the battle will be seen, in Nevada," Luntz said. Arizona, which is back in play, is reportedly leaning toward Biden. But while th MSM continues to report Biden has a slight edge, his lead in the EC isn't large enough to say that with confidence: The vote is a nailbiter - there's no other way to characterize it.