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COVID-19(84) Death Count Includes PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T DIE OF COVID, But How Many IS UNKNOWN!!!

• Dan Dicks - Press For Truth -

The COVID-19(84) death count is incorrect and the numbers have been purposefully inflated at the request of the health officials! In Ontario the death counts include people who have tested positive for COVID-19 but have not necessarily died from the virus. The exact number of people who fit into this category is unknown by the government and not even being counted. Meanwhile Australians may not be able to travel until they have a vaccine and FaceBook is banning any ads that suggest it might be dangerous to get one! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over the latest COVID-19(84) news which proves that the lockdown measures are causing far more deaths than Covid which is at this point comparable to the regular influenza flu.
