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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

Facial Recognition: Can You Defeat it? Surprising New Risks in 2020

•, Rob Braxman

We have a reprieve in 2020 with facial recognition because many of us have to wear masks. But can we keep hiWe have a reprieve in 2020 with facial recognition because many of us have to wear masks. But can we keep hiding our face? Should we keep hiding our face?

Back in the day, there was always a lot of resistance to embedding any kind of chip in our body. Today these chips like RFID are common and we still have a lot of resistance to having these inserted in our body.

But the tech has overtaken us. It is no longer necessary to have a chip since our face is a fixed biometric that we cannot escape from.

Let's talk about how Facial recognition data is collected in new ways today and how it is used. This has expanded in ways that most people don't even realize.