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IPFS News Link • Sweden

Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious"

•, by Judith Bergman

It said:

"Recently, there have been serious incidents and serious acts of violence linked to criminal networks, in which several people have been murdered and others seriously injured...

"In Stockholm, two people were murdered in the past week, and in Gothenburg, criminal groups have tried to demonstrate power by controlling vehicles entering certain districts. Earlier in August, an innocent 12-year-old girl was murdered... [during a gang incident], and in other parts of the country there are conflicts between various criminal networks and other ruthless crime, as well. On Friday night, a violent riot also occurred in Malmö where several police officers were injured..."

Sweden's National Police Chief, Anders Thornberg, made what sounded like a plea for help from the rest of society: "Swedish police are in a tough operational situation. It is now a matter of society joining forces behind the police," he said.

"We will continue to fight organized crime with all the tools we have available. Other good forces in society, everything from municipal officials and civil society to law enforcement agencies and not least the general public, also need to focus on facing the current situation. The police must ensure that the criminals are arrested and can be prosecuted. The criminals need to disappear from our streets and squares so that no more ruthless crimes are committed...