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Berlin police break up 'anti-corona' protest against Covid-19 restrictions

• The Guardian

German police have halted a march by 18,000 coronavirus sceptics in Berlin because protesters were failing to respect social distancing.

The mass protest against pandemic restrictions had been allowed to go ahead after a bitter legal battle.

But it had barely begun at the city's Brandenburg Gate when it was forced to stop due to a police injunction.

"The minimum distancing is not being respected by most [of the demonstrators] despite repeated requests," the police said. "There is no other option than to break up the gathering."

After the announcement, the demonstrators shouted: "Resistance" and "We are the people", a slogan often used by the far-right, and sang the German national anthem.

Police had vowed to turn out in force and strictly monitor compliance with mask-wearing and physical distancing at the protest.

A woman makes her feelings know at the protest.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Do you see the trouble people are in when they don't have gun freedom? They can't even stand up to cops when cops are bad.
