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IPFS News Link • Australia

Melbourne is "Falling Apart"


The only consolation is that its
Leftist population is getting its comeuppance. 

You can't leave! "Army deployed at stops outside of Melbourne to prevent anyone from getting out or in. Heavy police and army presence on foot in the streets and on the roads and in the skies."

Reddit Conspiracy


My state is in absolute disarray. I don't even know where to begin but I think by now if you are reading this you know about the draconian measures currently enforced in Victoria, Australia, particularly Melbourne. ... What's worse is that the tone around here is generally apathetic or support for these measures. Particularly on the hard left, who were protesting to dismantle cops mere months ago as part of BLM. It's pure cognitive dissonance.

Thankfully I don't live in Melbourne, I moved away to regional Victoria just in time in 2018. But many of my friends are still there. Here are some of the measures enforced and stories I've gathered, for Melbourne and Victoria:

Strict curfew 8pm-5am. (76 people were fined for breaching curfew within the first 24 hours, including a man fined $1652 for getting a burger on the way home from work)