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IPFS News Link • Censorship

THE GLOBAL CENSORSHIP RACKET! Australia Bans Independent Research

•, World Alternative Media

Following the Sydney church stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel, the Australian police made it clear that no one is to share or read information that doesn't come directly from the police.

Research is considered off limits. Guilt by association is the norm. Of course punishing those targeting Christians in Australia and New Zealand is off the table, but questioning the narrative surrounding the attacks is "dangerous" according to the government.

This is the epitome of Orwellian doublethink and it's meant to divide the public. It is also meant as a litmus test for future technocratic censorship.

Canada has banned news from being shared on Facebook. The narrative is set by the state run media. Scotland has pushed forward hate speech legislations that could lead to 7 years in prison if you "insult" a trans person. A law that has been harshly and rightly criticized by Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

The Brazilian government is banning Twitter/X (a psyop in itself as Twitter continues to gather people's information, build a social credit system, register itself as a bank and censor people). Australia is also telling Twitter/X that it must censor stories regarding the stabbings or face 750,000 Australian dollars in fines each day.

ChatGPT is being trained to only parrot mainstream talking points. Canada is releasing a social credit system. The federal government is making Google hand over any search histories that involve watching "the wrong thing" on YouTube which is entirely vague.


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