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IPFS News Link • Sweden

Sweden Was Not Overrun Without a Full Coronavirus Economic Lockdown

•, by Brian Wang

They did ban gatherings of over 50 people. Sweden has been able to keep most of its economy open.

Sweden's deaths per million from Coronavirus is lower than Italy, Spain, France, UK, Netherlands and Ireland. Sweden is only slightly worse than the USA and is better than 9 states.

Sweden did protect their seniors by not having visitors to senior centers.

This suggests that targeted lockdowns where the overall economy is open but the vulnerable populations are protected is workable. This is even without extensive contact tracing and testing.

It also shows that the Mayor of New York messed up badly by not canceling major events like Chinese New Year festivities.

It is better to contact trace and have monitored quarantines.

It is also better to wear masks and have better hand hygiene.

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