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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

The Coronavirus Is Not Causing Deaths- - Weak Immune Systems Are

•, By Bill Sardi

Forget the toilet paper & bottled water – – grab the vitamins & trace minerals to ward off infectious disease given absence of any proven anti-viral drug or (potentially problematic) vaccine for covid-19 coronavirus.

First, recognize fear-driven decision making is counterproductive.  Fear increases demand for vitamin C, so be aware of that.  So do viruses or any infection.  Be CONCERNED, not FEARFUL.

Primary antidote

Recognize these viral epidemics come in winter when vitamin D levels are low.  As a fatty vitamin, your liver should have 3 months of vitamin D stored, but probably doesn't.

The viruses were always there but erupt when sunshine vitamin D blood serum levels are low.  SO GO OUTSIDE, MIDDAY, AND GET SOME SUNSHINE ON YOUR SKIN to produce natural vitamin D.  Expose arms, legs, face.  Quarantines deprive people of sunshine vitamin D.

Supplement with 8000 units vitamin D3 daily (kids 2000+ units); if ill – – > take 50,000 units vitamin D3 for 3-5 days; then 8000 units daily.  This is not an overdose as physicians inject 300,000 units vitamin D for wintertime storage in your liver.  
