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IPFS News Link • China

China Suddenly Has Another Major "Virus" Problem, As Soaring Food Prices Put A Lid On...

•, by Tyler Durden

Soon the only food that will be affordable in China, is coronabat stew.

With over 400 million people across dozens of Chinese cities living in lock down as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, crippling global supply chains and grinding China's economy to a halt, it is easy to forget that China has been battling another major viral epidemic for the past two years: namely the African Swing Fever virus, aka "pig ebola" which killed off over half of China's pig population in the past year, sending pork prices soaring, and unleashing a tidal wave of inflation.

Well, moments ago, the world got a stark reminder of this when China reported that in January, its CPI jumped by whopping 5.4% Y/Y, the highest print in nine years...

... driven by a surge in pork prices, which reversed a rare drop in December when the slid by 5.6%, rising 8.5% in just ont month, and a record 116% compared to a year ago.