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Report: FBI Agent Commits 'Suicide' After Allegedly Discovering Clinton Foundation Looted

• Big League Politics

A blockbuster report from True Pundit indicates that an FBI agent who committed "suicide" was involved in uncovering a massive Clinton foundation money-laundering conspiracy that allegedly plundered the U.S. Treasury out of billions.

FBI Special Agent Sal Cincinelli allegedly committed suicide last year in stunning news that shocked his family. Cincinelli was found dead at the Container Bar in Austin, Texas "with at least one gunshot wound" in July 2019. He had quit a life as a high-powered Wall Street trader to join the FBI and help clean up the corrupt financial industry.

Mike Moore, who writes at True Pundit under the alias Thomas Paine, broke the news on his podcast that Cincinelli may have lost his life due to his work investigating the Clintons.

"So we're finding that deceased top FBI Special Agent Sal Cincinelli was a member of a team that was investigating the Clinton Foundation and had witnessed and investigated the fact that large amounts of money were being moved by Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation, coming in coming out, that trace back to the State Dept. during the time that she was Secretary of State," Moore said on his podcast.