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IPFS News Link • Sweden

Swedish Government Told Country's Crime Authority To Censor "Politically Sensitive" Da

•, by Paul Jospeh Watson

Sweden's Crime Prevention Council (Brå) censored their own statistics after political pressure from higher-ups, according to the research.

The study reveals that Brå personnel were summoned to the Justice Ministry to change their findings and that a "silence culture" based on "political steering" has been created.

"A number of interviewees testify, among other things, about how Brå's management directly applied pressure on them to change their findings which, for political, ideological or other reasons, were not desirable," the report stated.

"If the results were not liked, it meant censorship, manipulation of results, dimming some parts, and highlighting others that were not as sensitive or could show a positive result," said a former Brå employee.

Brå stopped collecting data on ethnicity and crime back in 2005 after stats showed migrants were over-represented in virtually every category of crime.

Since then, Sweden has accepted hundreds of thousands of new migrants and the country is suffering significant problems with rape, robberies, sexual assault and explosions.

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