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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Ten Times Cheaper But Better Food is Going to Radically Change Your World

• by Brian Wang

The new emerging technology is combining synthetic biology was fermentation to transform agriculture and many aspects of industry. In 2017, RethinkX and Tony Seba put out a report about the transformation of transportation into transportation as a service (Taas). The transportation vision is being realized by Elon Musk and Tesla, Waymo and ridesharing companies. Precision biology will displace, replace or transform agriculture by using designed microorganisms and adapting beer industry fermentation processes to produce food that is identical to milk and meat but without using animals. The first product we are seeing with mass impact is the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat products that are impacting ground meat.


* This is taking processes from a $660+ billion beer industry and applying it to agriculture
* This transforms land, food, environment, our health and the economy
* Historical examples of less precise biology were already hugely impactful. Insulin was created with similar processes and the vitamin industry uses less precise version of these processes.

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Comment by PureTrust
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Famed science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, talked about this way back in at least the 1950s, but probably much earlier. While I don't have any details on what he might have said back then, when he was writing under the pseudonym, Paul French, he talked about it in his "Lucky Starr" SF series. The way he explained it was using a large variety of crossbred yeast cultures to make all kinds of food directly off rocks (really, rock powder). We have had the technology to do this for decades (maybe over 100 years), but we never really had the need. Besides, the political climate always included maintaining farming, just to keep the farmers from starting to think for themselves about the possibilities.