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Spicer up your life!

• Josh Saunders

Ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer made his debut on DWTS, Monday

He wore a lime green filly blouse and white pants, which shocked crowds 

The star, 47, smiled at the audience and danced to the opening track

He performed to 'Spice Up Your Life' by The Spice Girls with Lindsay Arnold 

Spicer was called 'fun' and 'strangely entertaining' but out of time throughout 

He scored 12 out of 30, one point above LA Lakers basketball star Lamar Odom

Spicer was pictured by with another dancer Emma Slater Sunday

He appeared to laugh as she posed in a skimpy outfit with her hands in the air

Spicer was between takes for the show set to air tonight at 8am ET on ABC 

There was controversy over his casting as some thought it was too political