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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

US "Mandatory Childhood Vaccines" Programs Just 1 Part of UN "Agenda 21" World D

• Bolen Report

The United Nations (UN) "Agenda 21" plan is here right now, staring us in the face.  "We the people" of the United States are the target of this insidious, deadly, plot to make a one-world government.

That United Nations (UN) "Agenda 21" program has determined, and written down the factthat The United States of America needs to be "Destroyed From Within" before they can implement GLOBALISM and a Planet Earth 95% Population Reduction…

I am about to show you a big part of their plan, and how it has been, and is now unfolding, in the United States.

US Presidential election 2020 is the battleground.  The question being asked, and answered in the 2020 election is a simple one – "Will the United States of America  continue as a sovereign nation or will it succumb to GLOBALISM, turning from a Republic into another cog in the globalist's wheel?"

The US "Progressive" Democratic Party is the tool being used to implement "Agenda 21" in the US. "Millennials" are the social group being targeted and manipulated into socialism.

Let's start this discussion with a simple fact…

The US Childhood Vaccine Program CREATED virtually ALL of the problems faced by the US "Millennial" Generation.

Opinion by "Deplorable" Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

My "Old School" Democrat friend Bobby Kennedy Jr has pointed out, quite clearly that 54% of America's children are chronically ill.  Neither he, nor I, beat around the bush.  The reason for this atrocity is CHILDHOOD VACCINES.  I accept NO arguments to the contrary.  Yes, there ARE other factors that come into play.  But, to me, vaccine promoters are human filth – the lowest of the low.  Fresh dog shit on America's shoe.

BolenReport writer Janet Kerns PhD wrote about the effect of vaccines on the "millennial" generation, focusing on the mercury component, just a few days ago in her article linked just below.

What we NEED to emphasize here is that the government agencies that "We the People" THINK we put into place to monitor our health care system, the unit we un-affectionately call "US PUBLIC HEALTH," a conglomeration of federal state and county agencies, DID monitor what was happening to "millennials" and, I think, INTENTIONALLY did nothing to stop this Tuskegee-like social experiment.

In fact, they were very much part of it.  In effect, virtually the ENTIRE "Millennial" generation is vaccine damaged – all 83.5 million of them.  Keep reading to get the details.

How do I know this?

Because on January 1st, 1991 data began to be gathered by an official study called "The Vaccine Safety Data Link."  This study IS STILL ongoing, and the data is HIDDEN from American citizens.  I have talked about this before – as you can see below.

The Blue State "Vaccines For Depopulation" Study Is The Key…

The CDC Calls It Something Else – But, we'll go with the Truth… Opinion by Deplorable Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen   Anti-Vaxxers – your gut feelings were right.  Autism is NOT the worst thing that vaccines have done.  The Pro-Vaxxers have significantly damaged a whole generation, and like the Nazis in World War II, they … Continue reading The Blue State "Vaccines For Depopulation" Study Is The Key…


What the Globalist run "Deep State" did here makes the "Tuskegee Experiments" look like a candy handout in a kindergarten class…

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

In common law, the jury is set up according to different rules than in legal code. If the child is your property, require that the government officials who are messing with your property, to be executed if they don't change. There is adjudicated law that lets you do this. Listen here to find out what it is: