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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

Mass Shootings and Political Misuse of Them Have Unintended Consequences

• by Paul Craig Rob

I was listening to NPR this morning prior to President Trump's 10 AM EST address on the shootings.  NPR set Trump up for blame.  Trump opposes illegal immigration and spoke of the 20,000 person caravan as "an invasion."  And so forth.  And it wasn't just NPR.  As USA reported, while joining in the blame trump orchestration, "Media outlets around the country, and around the world, decried his [Trump's] role in inspiring a shooter who gunned down 20 people." US Rep. Veronica Escobar (D,TX) said:  "All of this has happened because Hispanic people have been dehumanized. They have been dehumanized by the president, by his enablers, by other politicians."

Rep. Escobar did not explain why and how a country's defense of its borders constitutes dehumanization of those that the law requires to be kept out.  Is the President of the United States, who is sworn to enforce the laws and Constitution of the US, supposed to violate the law?  If the American people want open borders, they should inform their representatives and get a law passed that abolishes border controls.  If Hispanics are dehumanized by being kept out, so are Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians, and Venezuelans, all people declared to be national security threats to the US which employs a massive armed force to be sure these threats don't invade us. Just imagine how we dehumanized the Japanese and Germans during World War II by keeping them from invading us.