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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Magician's stealth shark suit makes him invisible to great whites


Most people try to steer clear of great white sharks. Most people aren't Andrew Mayne. And most people don't have an underwater stealth suit like his that lets them get up close to the beasts without being seen. 

Mayne's a magician and illusionist who's done behind-the-scenes work for David Copperfield, Penn & Teller and David Blaine. He decided to graduate from just fooling people to fooling fish. Really big ones. 

"Next thing you know," he says, "you find yourself 80 feet underwater surrounded by great whites going, 'How the hell did this happen?'"  

The CNET video crew caught up with Mayne to ask him about his one-of-a-kind shark armor, called Ghost Diver, which is created from a material that's quiet and reflects light in a way that makes it blend into the background, "kind of like a ninja costume." It also gives off a bit of a Darth Vader vibe.