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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Waiting For The Black Swan

• by Chris Martenson

A lot of us are waiting for 'something' to happen. We know that there are too many unsustainable trends and practices running and we fall into the "let's just rip the Band-Aid off" camp.   Some, like myself, have lost faith in the political leadership and institutions and doubt they retain any capacity to attend to anything more than their own selfish interests, let alone manage the difficult tasks ahead rooted as they are in systems theory and managing complexity.

So, let's get on with it already.  Bring it on.  Black swans are welcome to those who feel a swift kick to the behind is sometimes needed to begin setting things straight.

Like many, I am also conflicted because I also know that getting onto a new path will be disruptive and probably quite economically and financially painful for everyone, myself included.  Hoping for 'something to break' and hoping nothing breaks hang in an uneasy balance.

Luckily, my hopes and wishes have nothing to do with what's going to happen, or when.  I might as well be performing a secret hand ritual before the TV in my living room to ensure that my team's basketball free-throw goes in.  The dry tinder of the next bonfire was laid down over many years and decades and it will catch fire when it does, no matter how much denial or how many superstitious practices we employ.

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