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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

The Origins Of The Deep State In North America, Part 2

•, Tyler Durden

I do not think the Canadians themselves are aware of it… they are wonderfully immature in political reflection on the big issues, and hardly realize how powerful the influences are… On the other hand, I see little danger to ultimate imperial unity in Canadian 'nationalism'. On the contrary I think the very same sentiment makes a great many especially of the younger Canadians vigorously, and even bumptuously , assertive of their independence, proud and boastful of the greatness and future of their country, and so forth, would lend themselves, tactfully handled, to an enthusiastic acceptance of Imperial unity on the basis of 'partner-states'. This tendency is, therefore, in my opinion rather to be encouraged, not only as safeguard against 'Americanization', but as actually making, in the long run, for a Union of 'all the Britains'."

-Lord Alfred Milner, 1909