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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

Treasonous Deep State Actors Identified-Most Are Democratic Party Leaders


There are two videos that I am calling attention to in the present moment which captures the essence of the invasion of the United States from within. Following the presentation of the videos, i will take the reader to a deeper understanding of what is truly happening one level above what you will hear on these tapes.

There are two videos which capture the essence of how the United States has been invaded. I have referenced this first video 18 times in stories I have written about the betrayal of the Democratic Party. The first video listed below is the work of New Zealand's Trevor Loudon and it is entitled as Enemies Within.  In the video, Loudon identifies many of the key players in the Democratic Party who are card-carrying Socialists/Communists and in some cases belonging to front groups for the world's largest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. The names include Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren,  Shumer, Clinton, Obama, Franken, etc.
