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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Are We Eating Our Children?


This one is not an easy one for me to write.  It might be even more difficult for you to read.  I know we all run a risk if you simply laugh off what I am about to share with you today.

I am edgy.  I get that.  People often accuse me of being crazy, harsh, or conspiratorial, but everyone who reads my thoughts knows that I don't pull any punches.

Well, I am going to swing hard today and I am sorry if the punch to the gut makes you sick.  I wish there was a softer way to inoculate you from the lies.  But Truth, sunlight, is usually the best thing to use to lighten your path.  I pray you are sitting down while you read this.

Have you noticed recently how much mankind has changed?  I don't mean the clothes we wear, or the latest fashion trends, but the actual PHYSICAL changes that you see in people around you?  Have you noticed how fat people are?  Don't you see the rash of "cancers" that folks all around you are developing?  Autism is rampant in the young. Haven't you noticed the blending of the sexes and how some men are becoming so much like women and some women are becoming so much like men?  Have you noticed how many people are unable to think?

I don't just mean think, everyone is able to think.  Perhaps "reason" is a better term.  Have you noticed how many people believe things just because they saw it on TV…or the internet…or from some "teacher?"  Maybe it is just me but I think something PHYSICALLY is going on.  People are changing.  It is right before our eyes and we can't process it.

Perhaps you should stop reading now.  The consequences of what I am about to posit may be more than you are willing or able to accept.  Far be it from me to bust open the protective cocoon in which you currently live.  Ignorance may be blissful but it is also destructive.  Ignorance is deadly.
